Permanent Laser Hair Removal
Venus Versa™ hair removal is a non-invasive procedure that removes unwanted and excess hair from areas of the body with an intensely powered light. That concentrates light into the hair follicle to inhibit the hair’s ability to grow, without disrupting or damaging the skins surface.
Designed for sensitive skins Venus Versa™ can be used to target unwanted hair on various body parts and different skin types.
An active tan, excessively tanned skin and darker skin types are not suitable for IPL hair removal treatment. Sun exposure must be avoided for at least 1 month prior to treatment. Self-tanners must be faded from the skin for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.
You can return to your daily schedule immediately
Treatment Cycle
Most patients receive 6-8 treatments per area. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated. Treatments are performed every 4-6 weeks.
Preparing for Treatment
Shave the treatment area, the day before/ day of treatment.
Do not wax or pluck four weeks prior.
Avoid sun exposure to the area 1 week prior and 1 week after treatment.
This treatment is not suitable for those on some medications, written clearance from your Dr might be required.

Request a consultation
To receive a free private consultation, simply fill out the online enquiry form. Let us know what procedure(s) you are considering and we will get back to you with a time and day to suit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Before the Venus Versa Concept IPL Hair Removal Treatment
Hair removal treatments are for individuals who want to permanently reduce unwanted hair on their face or body because they’re tired of the conventional methods that only yield temporary results.
For safety reasons you may not be able to get IPL laser hair removal if you have/are:
- Metal or other implants in the treatment area
- Current or history of cancer
- Pregnant or nursing
- Any diseases that can be stimulated by light (e.g. epilepsy)
- History of disease that can be stimulated by heat (e.g. herpes)
- Poorly controlled endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes or polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Any active condition in the treatment area (e.g. eczema, psoriasis, rash)
- History of skin disorders, keloids, unusual wound healing, or excessively dry and/or sensitive skin
- Any surgical procedures within the past 3 months
- A tattoo or permanent makeup in the treatment area
- Excessively tanned skin
The exact number will depend on each individual person’s skin type, hair colour and texture, and the area being treated.
For IPL hair removal, you’ll likely need 6-8 treatments per area for significant removal, again depending on each individual person and the area being treated.
For IPL hair removal, treatments are done 4-6 weeks apart for the face and 4-8 weeks apart for the body.
Make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions, creams or makeup (if you’re getting a treatment on your face) before your session, and stop using any products that might irritate your skin 2-3 days before. Remove all jewellery around the area being treated.
The technician will shave and clean the area before starting your treatment. They will also ask about your medical history, so it helps to have that information ready. For IPL hair removal, you should also avoid tanning before your treatment.
During the treatment
It depends on where you’re getting the treatment—an upper lip will be much faster than both legs.
You’ll feel some heat in the area, but this will only last a short while, thanks to the real-time cooling system that kicks in right away to help minimize discomfort. For laser hair removal, it depends on which mode of operation your treatment provider is using.
If your technician is using PULSE mode, it will feel like a light snap of an elastic band against your skin. If they’re using SLIDE mode, it will feel like a series of light snaps as they glide the applicator continuously across the treatment area. For IPL hair removal, it feels like the light snap with an elastic band against your skin as the applicator moves around the treatment area.
After the treatment
You may feel like you have a slight sunburn around the treatment area, but this should go away after 1-2 days at the very most. You can use a cool compress to cool the area if need be. You may also see some hairs fall out more easily in the days following your treatment—this is perfectly normal. Some patients may also experience what appears to be a rash accompanied by some mild itching. This is also normal—it’s just the skin’s response to the energy.
Your skin may look dry and feel a little itchy because the operator has to dry-shave the area before starting the treatment. Moisturizing can help relieve the itch. Other than that, you shouldn’t really feel any different after your treatment.
It depends on how your hair grows. Some people may see longer-lasting hair removal, while others who see sporadic hair growth in the area may need a touch-up treatment to maintain the results.
Be sure to gently clean the treated area twice a day and apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 before going outside; however, avoid excessive sun exposure. You should also avoid hot baths, massages, or any treatment that requires direct contact with the skin for the first 2 days after your treatment. Avoid tanning for at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks afterward.
If I got a treatment on my face, can I put makeup up on right after? Yes, you can apply makeup immediately after your treatment, but make sure you put on sunscreen first.